The First Lady and her British Flower Bouquet

When Michelle Obama visited London this week, it wasn’t just her words that impressed us. Our eyes feasted on the gorgeous summery bouquet she was given by the Tower Hamlets schoolgirls.

Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images from The Guardian

Photograph: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images from The Guardian

Surely the timing was too perfect? The First Lady photographed holding a bouquet of British flowers in the middle of British Flowers Week and the images beamed across the globe to millions?

The hunt was on for the florist! We were thrilled to discover that the talented florists behind the bouquet were none other than Wild at Heart, daily customers at New Covent Garden Flower Market

And the flowers are indeed British.

Holly Cheung of Wild at Heart takes up the story:

“The bouquet was created by Astrid, our store manager at our Liberty concession. She was asked by the London school to create a beautiful bouquet to present to a special guest that would be visiting.

She wasn’t allowed to know in advance exactly who the special guest was, however she was told that they had a confident and bold personality so she created a vibrant and colourful bouquet for the occasion with a purple and lilac theme.

As it’s British Flowers Week, she also wanted to give the bouquet a summery British garden look using beautifully scented English sweet peas (making sure the bouquet smells as good as it looks!), lavender and garden clematis along with various shades of peonies from New Covent Garden Flower Market.”




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by British Flowers Week Team